
Achievement Year Subject Level Place/medal

Personal Projects

Inside the dark

Inside the dark is a dungeon-crawler game about exploring the dark dungeon. Leaded this project with a team of 3 friends, which was made specifically for the ITalent national competition where we took the 5th place among 20+ projects.

Ising model

I made the Ising model together with MIT student Serhii Kryhin. This project was one of my first steps in computer modeling and learning the Python programming language. Later, we made a visual shell for the project on the Unity engine. As a result, we had to make our library for drawing graphs.

Optics Research

The topic of my research is "Simulation of light propagation in an optically inhomogeneous medium". Although this project is in the "Theoretical Physics" section, a considerable part of it is the description of the ray path construction algorithm. For implementation, I used the C# programming language together with XNA and Unity engines.

Game of Life on Rust

Project implemented using Rust on a Bevy game engine which I used for learning both. Implements a basic Conway's Game of Life and more complicated cellular automata rules described here.